SQL – Intermediate

Who is this course for? People who have attended “Foundation SQL” course and want to improve their SQL skills.

Learning Objectives: You will learn how to combine data held across several tables and more powerful SQL techniques to
help you retrieve exactly the data you need

Pre-requisites: basic familiarity with the SQL SELECT statement. Completion of the Foundation course.


  • Get data from several tables using JOINs. Create a SQL statement that retrieves data more than one table
  • Use the JOIN clause to specify the common columns. The JOIN keyword. Types of JOIN (INNER, LEFT, others)
  • Subqueries and CTEs. Subqueries and common table expressions (CTEs) increase the analytical power of our SQL statements.
  • Temporary tables and their uses.
  • CASE statements. The CASE statement gives great flexibility to create new calculated columns. The basic CASE WHEN THEN ELSE END structure.
  • NULL values for missing data. Dealing with NULL